Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Men Positive on Economy

The Rasmussen Consumer Index, which measures the economic confidence of American consumers on a daily basis, fell just over one point on Saturday to 83.9. Despite the decrease, today's index is up seven points from last week and eight points from last month. Overall, consumer confidence is down sixteen points from the beginning of 2008.

From October 2001, when the Index was initiated, until February of this year, the Consumer Index had never fallen below 83.2. That low was reached in March 2003, just before the War in Iraq began. This year, however, new lows were set on a regular basis until the bottom was reached on June 10 at 66.2.

Nationally, just 16% of adults rate the U.S. economy as good or excellent. Fifty-three percent (53%) of adults rate the economy as poor. While one in five men (20%) now give the economy positive ratings, just 13% of women agree. Forty-nine percent (49%) of men and 57% of women give the economy poor ratings.

Read it all here.

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