Sunday, September 21, 2008

Luban on Legal Ethics and Human Dignity

David Luban has a new book titiled Legal Ethics and Human Dignity. It is published as part of the Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law (ISBN-13: 9780521862851)

Luban, a law professor at Georgetown University, Washington DC, is a recognized authority on legal ethics. This book is a collection of his most significant papers from the past twenty-five years. It represents a wide range of ethical exploration and combines philosophical argument, midrash and legal analysis, drawing on cases in actual law practice.

Luban defends a legal ethics that stress the lawyer's role in upholding human dignity and rights. The volume includes two previously unpublished papers, including a detailed critique of the US government lawyers who produced the notorious ‘torture memos’.

The Book includes: Lawyers as upholders of human dignity (when they aren’t busy assaulting it); The Jurisprudence of Legal Ethics; Natural law as professional ethics: a reading of Fuller; The torture lawyers of Washington; Moral Complications and Moral Psychology; Contrived ignorance; The ethics of wrongful obedience; Moral Messiness in Professional Life, and A midrash on Rabbi Shaffer and Rabbi Trollope.

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