Thursday, September 4, 2008

Giuliani Speaks the Truth

Barack Obama has never led anything,” Mr. Giuliani said. “Nothing. Nada. So, our opponents want to reframe the debate. They would have you believe that this election is about ‘change versus more of the same.’ But that’s really a false choice. Because ‘change’ is not a destination ... just as ‘hope’ is not a strategy.”

When Mr. Giuliani took the stage here Wednesday night, it was not be quite what he had hoped. No one was nominating Mr. Giuliani — who led in national polls for so long during the Republican primaries — to be president. Once more he played the role of a supporting actor at the convention rather than the lead.

Still, he was awarded with a prime-time address, a better speaking spot than others, like former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who outperformed him in the primaries. And he used it to argue that Ms. Palin, who is in her second year as governor of Alaska, has more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket.

“Governor Palin represents a new generation,” Mr. Giuliani said. “She’s already one of the most successful governors in America — and the most popular. And she already has more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket.”

From here.

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