Tuesday, September 30, 2008

British Pro-Life Groups Challenge MPs to Draw the Line in the Sand

Matt Cresswell has important news at Religious Intelligence. Here is a portion of what he reports:

British pro-life groups are upping their campaign as a highly controversial embryology bill comes to its final stages. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill (HFE) will reach the report stage this autumn in parliament.

In recent months a whole raft of new amendments have been tabled by back benchers wanting to either further liberalise abortion or make abortion less available in the UK.

To help raise awareness, the All Party Pro-Life Group is giving away thousands of post cards to its supporters which can be sent to individual MPs.

The cards, which picture children’s feet standing just behind a line drawn in the sand, call for MPs to vote against any further liberalisation of abortion laws.

Read it all here.

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