Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Visual Impairment a Factor in Suicide

Eye conditions that lead to visual impairment often have psychosocial and health consequences. A new report suggests visual impairment may be associated with an increased risk of suicide through its indirect negative effect on health.

Detrimental health consequences associated with eye problems include impaired activities of daily living, social isolation, mental impairment, increased dependency on others, increased motor vehicle crashes, falls and fractures, depression and poor self-rated health.

“Increased mortality risks also have been noted in adults with visual impairment and disabling eye disease”, comment study authors.

Byron L. Lam, M.D., of Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami School of Medicine, and colleagues reviewed data from national health surveys of 137,479 participants conducted between 1986 and 1996.

The study is found in the July issue of Archives of Ophthalmology, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Read it all here.

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