Friday, August 15, 2008

Pro-Life Californians Oppose Patty Berg's Bill

Sacramento, CA ( -- A leading California pro-life group is continuing to urge pro-life advocates to contact their state legislators to oppose a bill that would promote euthanasia. The California Pro-Life Council is opposed to AB 2747, a measure sponsored by the lawmaker who has repeatedly tried to legalize assisted suicide.

"Patty Berg's bill AB 2747 encourages medically vulnerable individuals to kill themselves through voluntary dehydration," the pro-life group says in a new legislative alert.

Though lawmakers make some minor changes to the legislation to alleviate the concerns of pro-life groups, neither CPLC nor the National Right to Life Committee have dropped their concerns and opposition.

"We urge all those concerned about the very real risks posed to the medically and emotionally vulnerable to continue opposing this bill," the group told

The bill would codify palliative sedation and voluntary stopping of eating and drinking as legitimate means of pain control and allow doctors and nurses to suggest death by unconscious dehydration.

Brian Johnston called the changes made to the legislation in June “bell and whistle amendments” that looked good but did not remove the significant concerns pro-life advocates have with the bill.

Read it all here.

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