Friday, August 8, 2008

Georgia Tech Scores an F

The Georgia Institute of Technology has been under fire for a number of years in light of a First Amendment lawsuit filed by two students who have now graduated. In a series of rulings, a federal judge has ordered Georgia Tech to eliminate parts of its "tolerance training manual" and its system of "free speech zones," both of which were used to silence and intimidate certain viewpoints. And perhaps even more notably, the judge has also charged Tech administrators with a "lack of candor" about the case, as an op-ed in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution recently detailed. The turn of events ought to be instructive, not just to the regents of the University System of Georgia -- which got an "F" for intellectual diversity in ACTA's new report card -- but for trustees across the country, who have a fiduciary obligation to see that the marketplace of ideas is healthy and that administrators are acting with integrity.

Source: Sandra E. Czelusniak at ACTA

Czelusniak is a program officer at ACTA, focusing on policy. She previously interned with the Center for American Studies at the Heritage Foundation and was a 2007 Publius Fellow with the Claremont Institute. Sandra completed her B.A. in History cum laude at Cornell University in 2007 and is an M.A. candidate in American History at Queen's University Belfast in Northern Ireland.

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