Monday, August 25, 2008

Doctors Concerned About the HPV Vaccination

Dr. Maurice Bernstein at Bioethics Discussion Blog has written:

What is known and what is as yet unknown about the current human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination program, to prevent sexually acquired HPV stimulated cervical cancer, approved by the FDA in the United States, promoted by policymakers world wide and the couple of pharmaceutical companies who make the vaccine represents a scientific and ethical challenge. The program is for 12 year old pre-adolescent girls prior to becoming sexually active to be vaccinated and a catch up program for girls and women ages 13 through 18 up to 26 years of age. Unfortunately the effect of the vaccination program, because of the slow development of HVP stimulated cancer of the cervix will not be known for decades. The editorial written in the August 21, 2008 issue of the "New England Journal of Medicine" by C.J. Haug, discussing a research article in the same journal issue, sets the questions which I have provided as an extract below. Some of my visitors may not be familiar with all the terms but I think most will be understanding of the concern expressed.

Read it all here.

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