Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bishop Schori's Most Revealing Statement

In her post-Lambeth statement, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church Katharine J. Schori, stated that Anglican bishops at Lambeth "...remembered that together we may be the largest network on the planet – able to respond to those life and death issues if we tend to the links, connections, and bonds between us."

What strikes me is how deluded TEC's leadership about its strength and as to how much world support they have for their gay cause. Remember that 270 Anglican bishops declined the invitation to Lambeth because they are not in communion with TEC and the Anglican Church of Canada. It should be remembered also that only the Americans and Canadians call legal partnerships "marriage." The world's consensus is that the term "marriage" should be restricted to the union of a man and a woman.

Then there is the fact that the Vatican has condemmed TEC's position as have Orthodox Bishops around the world.

I'm reminded of CS Lewis' description of hell in The Great Divorce. The people living there believe that they inhabit a huge universe, but from the edges of Heaven all of hell resides in a crack no bigger than a blade of grass.

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