Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Abortion Grief Book Kindles Attack

The war over abortion is far from over. Indeed, three recent events have sparked a new battle in the conflict over abortion. The main cause of the renewed hostilities is the publication of a book containing stories of post-abortion grief. Melinda Tankard Reist’s book, Giving Sorrow Words has certainly rekindled the anger of the feminist/pro-abortion camp. The reaction has been swift and extreme.

The book, published in March, has been subjected to scathing reviews and letters to major newspapers. And those who have defended the book have also come under stinging attacks. Consider a few of the hostile reactions.

Leslie Cannold, writing in the April 8 Age did not so much write a review of the book as attack Tankard Reist. She claimed that reading the book is “like time-warping back to the victim-feminist hey-day of the late 1970s and ‘80s”.

Read it all here.

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