Sunday, July 27, 2008

Andrew Perlman: Batman and Legal Ethics

"I've become very interested in lawyer behavior from the perspective of social psychology. I believe that human behavior, which includes lawyer conduct despite jokes to the contrary, is heavily influenced by the situations in which we find ourselves.

Given my interests, I particularly enjoyed the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight. There are a number of morality plays in the film that turn on whether to act according to utility or principle. But more importantly, there were many plot lines that demonstrate how context and situation heavily influence how we behave. If you're interested in how social context can lead people to act immorally or unethically, The Dark Knight is a must-see. But leave your kids at home; it's a gruesome, violent movie with some disturbing imagery."

For more on the psychology angles of the movie, Perlman recommends reading here.

Source: Legal Ethics Forum

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