Friday, June 13, 2008

Winter Energy Crisis: How you can help

With the soaring cost of heating fuel many families face a grim winter this year. It is easy to neglect this while we are enjoying the summer temperatures, but now is the time for citizens to ease the plight of many in advance of the winter freeze. Here are some ways to help:

1. When you pay your energy bill, be it for gas or electric, make a donation to the winter emergency fund. Most energy companies make this easy to do either by check or online.

2. If you are active in your church, talk to the pastor about setting up a fund especially to help the needy members of your congregation.

3. Ask the CEO of your company to make a one time charitable donation to the emergency heating fund of your local utility company.

4. When the temperatures drop below freezing, check on elderly neighbors and on families in your community who need assistance.

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