Monday, June 30, 2008

EU to Iran: Stop Executing Juveniles

Brussels: The EU has spoken out against the imminent execution of juvenile offenders in Iran, calling for an immediate halt to the plans.

In a statement issued today by the Slovenian Government, which holds the rotating EU Presidency, it stated that all juvenile death sentences are in direct contravention of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s international obligations and commitments to which the Islamic Republic of Iran has freely undertaken.

It has been reported that yet another juvenile offender is in imminent threat of execution. Mr Selah Taseh was sentenced to death for a crime committed when he was a minor. The Presidency today urged the Iranian authorities to immediately halt the execution of Mr Taseh and all other juvenile offenders on death row, including Mr Saeed Jazee, Mr Mohammad Fadaei, Mr Behnoud Shojaee, Mr Behnam Zare and Mr Abu Moslem Sohrabi.

Twice earlier this month the EU has called on Iran to observe the obligations contained in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. These “must be fully and unconditionally respected by the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a State Party to both of these legally binding international human rights conventions,” the statement said.

Source: Religious Intelligence News

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