Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ethics and Energy

Congressman Roy Blunt compiled the following data to highlight the differences between House Republicans and House Democrats on energy policy:

ANWR Exploration - House Republicans: 91% Supported, House Democrats: 86% Opposed

Coal-to-Liquid - House Republicans: 97% Supported, House Democrats: 78% Opposed

Oil Shale Exploration - House Republicans: 90% Supported, House Democrats: 86% Opposed

Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Exploration -House Republicans: 81% Supported, House Democrats: 83% Opposed

Refinery Increased Capacity - House Republicans: 97% Supported, House Democrats: 96% Opposed

What ethical considerations are directing Democrats on energy?

Meanwhile China is drilling for oil only 100 miles south of Pensacola while US law prohibits American companies from drilling for oil off the coast of Florida. The Chinese have set up 36 new oil wells 50 miles from Key West to serve Cuba. To read more, go here.

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