Thursday, June 19, 2008

California Bishop Okays Homosexual "Marriage"

Some clergy members in California spent Tuesday officiating at same-sex weddings made legal by a State Supreme Court ruling that took effect on Monday night. Others spent the day speaking out against same-sex marriage.

Bishop J. Jon Bruno of Los Angeles has authorized clergy members to perform same-sex marriages, said the Rev. Susan Russell, associate pastor at All Saints Church, and president of Integrity, a gay and lesbian advocacy group in the Episcopal Church.

Bishop Marc Handley Andrus of the Episcopal Diocese of California, which covers the San Francisco Bay Area, is urging all couples, heterosexual and homosexual, to first be married in a secular service and then come to the church for a blessing. Since the Episcopal Church does not allow rites for same-sex marriages, he said, this is a way to treat all couples equally.

“Sometimes the church is not quite caught up with the civil society, and this is one of those times,” Bishop Andrus said.

Read it all here.

It appears that Bishop Bruno no longer needs to waffle on this issue, as he did in his interview with Neela Banerjee of the New York Times (Sept. 2007).

Bruno: “You have asked whether we will continue the process of General Convention. The fact is that we have never authorized same sex unions.”

Banerjee: “It happens on the diocesan level all the time.”

Bruno: “Not in my diocese. It does not happen with my permission.”

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